Patch Archive Structure

Patches are distributed as .zip archives. They should be named where the patch transitions the file tree from version a.a.a to version b.b.b. They consist of a package manifest, which is always the first zip entry in the archive, and then a series of entries which correspond to changed files in the file tree.

Package Manifests

The package manifest is the first entry in a package archive. It is always a file named manifests.json, and is a json file which holds various information about a patch. It is laid out in this form:

public List<String> filesAndHashes;
public List<String> ignore;
public List<String> delete;
public Integer[] toVersion;
public Integer[] fromVersion;
public String newExec;

filesAndHashes is a list of every file contained in the patch (except for the manifest), and the md5 hash (represented as a Hex string) for the file after it has been patched. After patching has finished, it is recommended to check the hash of the file. If it had been modified by the user before patching, there was a network inconsistency, or a filesystem error, this will catch it. If the hashes don't match, a client can download a fresh copy from the patch server.

ignore is a list of files that should not be touched by the patcher under any circumstances, usually configuration files that differ from install to install and should not be patched.

delete is a list of files that should be removed from the file tree when patching.

toVersion is the version the file tree will be even with once this patch is applied.

fromVersion is the version the file tree should be even with when applying this patch. If this is not accurate the file tree will almost definitely be corrupted.

newExec is the file that should be set as the exec in the manifest.json of the file tree after patching. This is only present if the file tree is executable.

Package Entries

There are two types of entries present in the package archive after the manifest. File entries and patch entries. Patch entries are denoted by the .patch extension, and every other entry is a file entry.

Patch Entries

Zip entries in the package archive with the file extension .patch are patch entries. These entries contain the binary patch data that should be fed into bsdiff Patch along with the original file. The structure of these files is as follows:

bytes   description
1..4    int block_length
Block (length of z)
    1..4    int block_data_length
    5..z    byte[] block_data
End Block

block N block_data is the patch data that corresponds to block N of the original file.

File Entries

File entries exist when there is a new file to add to the path or the a patch for the existing file is larger the new file itself. Therefore, these should be extracted into the file tree, overwriting anything currently at that path.